Back in the beginning of 2018, I started sleeping on the floor. My bed was right next to me, I just...didn't use it.

This wasn't a new activity. I had experimented with it off and on over the years before. But this was the first time I really started consistently abandoning my bed. More importantly, it was the first time I managed to commit deeply enough to actually get rid of my bed completely. I took this one step further the following by moving from my spacious one bedroom apartment to a small studio, also spacious since I didn't have a bed taking up space.

The breakthrough here wasn't so much a physical one, but a psychological one. In the past, I could get to the point of sleeping confortably sans bed, but would always regress for one common reason.

What would happen if I brought a girl home with no bed to invite her to?

In the mind of a young man, this is a critical question. We strive for most all of our formative yeras ensuring that every little aspect of our lives encourages the formation of sexual relationships. The trick, thne, to adopting unconventional habits and lifestyles, is to grow beyond this limiting belief, and come to embrace the fact that living well is far more important that attracting a mate.

A destination long approached

Sleeping on the floor is not my first foray into unconventional sleeping habits. For three years in high school, I slept in a hammock strung up in my bedroom.

There was also a time that I forced myself to learn to sleep on my back, rather than roll over on my stomach or side.

Finally, I dabbled in polyphasic sleep cycles, though this I never succeeded in, being such a disruptive departure from how the rest of society operates. Perhaps I'll engage in this again now that my life is more free.

Why this recurring interest throughout my life in tweaking the way I sleep? I've been asking this quesiton for years, and as yet, don't have an answer.

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